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Title I and IV Funding 

The services provided by Soft Skills Matters are allowable under both Title I and Title IV. As always with the use of Federal Funds, you must ensure that the activity (money spent) is: (1) necessary; (2) reasonable; and (3) allowable. Here is how you document these 3 requirements:


  1. Necessary -  use a Comprehensive Needs Assessment to demonstrate the need for Mr. Matthew’s program. This can be a student survey, discipline statistics, or other measurement showing that students will benefit from Multidimensional Skills and Leadership program. This measurement must be taken annually and used in pre- and post- evaluation. 

  2. Reasonable - demonstrate that the cost is in line with similar services provided by similar providers

  3. Allowable - When using Title I, you must demonstrate that this service is supplemental support for the students. Most likely it is. However, if you already have a Multidimensional Skills and Leadership program operating at your school and you already have a funding source (i.e. General Fund or donations), you cannot shift the funding to Federal Funds. 


Use of Title I: The activity/expenditure is aligned to support students in order to meet the challenging State academic content standards (Every Student Succeeds Act [ESSA] sections 1112[a][3][B][i], and 1112[b])

Note: If the school is not designated as a Schoolwide Title I program, you must go to extra efforts to demonstrate that this program was provided to the Targeted population.


Use of Title IV: The purpose of Title IV, Part A funds is to improve students’ academic achievement by increasing the capacity of states, local educational agencies (LEAs), schools, and local communities to:

  • Provide all students with access to a well-rounded education

  • Improve school conditions for student learning and activities related to supporting safe and healthy students

  • Improve the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.


Information provided by Elizabeth P Hernandez, Educational Consultant. Questions? Please email 

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